Understanding Kona Radiant

Kona Radiant is an easy-to-use tool for accurate, low-cost indoor LoRaWAN RF coverage mapping. This article will cover what Kona Radiant does, how to understand the information reported and how to get access to Kona Radiant. 

Prerequisites to use Kona Radiant:

To use Kona Radiant, you will need the following:

  1. A TEKTELIC LoRaWAN Gateway
  2. LoRaWAN Sensors
  3. Kona Radiant Account

*To get a Kona Radiant account, please reach out to your designated sales contact. If you do not have one, you can contact our sales team using the contact information in the link below, or by emailing info@tektelic.com:


Using Kona Radiant:

Once you have your Kona Radiant account, and your LoRaWAN gateways & sensors are showing as Online, we can log into our Kona Radiant account and start to see the RF Coverage mapping as seen below:

In the table found on the left-hand side, you will be able to see your LoRaWAN sensor's names, Model, DevEUI, PSR, Average RSSI, Average SNR and Connection Strength. A brief description of these fields can be found below:

  • Name: The name given to the device
  • Model: The model of the device listed
  • DevEUI: The DevEUI of the LoRaWAN Sensor
  • PSR (Packet Success Rate) / Connection Strength: A percentage measurement of how many packets successfully reached the gateway/network server.  The color coding, and the "Connection" strength shown in the Table is based on the PSR value as seen below:
    • PSR >= 90 - "Good" - Green
    • PSR >= 75 - "Marginal" - Yellow
    • PSR < 75 - "Needs improvement" - Red
  • Average RSSI: The average RSSI of all of the sensor's packets that have arrived at the Tektelic LoRaWAN gateway closest to the sensor.
  • Average SNR: The average SNR of all of the sensor's packets that have arrived at the Tektelic LoRaWAN gateway closest to the sensor.

On the right-hand side of the page, you can visualize this data in the graphs provided on the left. To do so, simply select the sensor from the table on the left-hand side of the page, and graphs of the selected sensors RSSI and SNR will be provided. In the top right of the page, you can choose what period of time you would like to look at, as seen in the screenshot below: