#1 How can I request an access for Tektelic NS?
#2 My Kona gateway status reports Offline despite I powered it up and commissioned with correct information on Tektelic NS. How can I configure the gateway to report Online?

Username: TEK00XXYY (Where XXYY represents the last 4 digit of the MAC address)
Password : 9-Digit serial number of the gateway. (For example, it would be similar to 1951A0025)
Power cycle the gateway. Gateway status would report Online after power cycle.
If you are using On-premise Tektelic Network Server, then you will be required to configure IP Address of your on-premise Tektelic Network Server in mqtt-bridge.conf file located in /etc/default/ directory in addition to the steps mentioned above. Below is a screenshot showing necessary field to be modified.

#3 Can I commission any third-party GW (i.e. Kerlink or Multi-tech) on TEKTELIC NS? If yes, then how can I do that?
For example,
- 8-channel Multitech or Kerlink GW would be commissioned as Kona Micro XX (Where XX represent the ISM band the GW).
- In similar fashion, other third party GWs can be modelled as Kona Macro XX and Kona Mega XX in case of any third-party GWs that support 16-channels and 64-channels respectively.
#4 How can I commission US915 class-C end-device on TEKTELIC NS?
3. In Advanced Network Settings tab, add Rx2 parameters (Rx2 data rate = 8; Rx2 freq = 923.3 MHz) correctly before joining. These are region dependent parameters (i.e. US, EU, RU, etc.)
4. Join the device.
5. Now use your preferred application end-point to issue the downlink command. It should go out instantaneously with no dependence on uplink.
#5 How can I commission EU868 class-C end-device on TEKTELIC NS?
3. In Advanced Network Settings tab, add Rx2 parameters (Rx2 data rate = 0; Rx2 freq = 869.525 MHz) correctly before joining. These are region dependent parameters (i.e. US, EU, RU, etc.)
3. Join the device.
4. Now use your preferred application end-point to issue the downlink command. It should go out instantaneously with no dependence on uplink.
#6 How can I set APN for cellular interface of Kona gateways using TEK NS?

2. Click on + sign to add APN.
#7 How can I commission bulk devices on TEK NS?
- TEK NS allows to commission end-devices in bulk using a feature called "Device Bulk Commissioning".
- To do so, go to applications, click on manage devices and click on a symbol indicating up arrow as shown below.

- This feature will require the user to upload a CSV file that contains device name along with commissioning information ( Dev EUI, App EUI, and App Key) for each device.
- Customers can download a Sample CSV file.
Note that you will require to add actual commissioning information for your sensors after downloading in sample CSV file
- Clicking upon up arrow, it will bring a screen to fill necessary data and follow below procedure.
If user wants to append a specific string to values for certain columns, you can use delimiters using that field.
For an example, sample CSV file contains numbers starting from 1 to 4 as Names for each device under column "NAME".
- Should you want to append these names with a string "Device-", then they can use "Device-" as delimiter, press Enter and then add the column name- "NAME".
- By doing so, devices will be commissioned as "Device-1", "Device-2", and so on.

5. Click on "Start Commissioning". Devices will be commissioned as shown below.