This article applies to ALL Kona Gateways except the Kona Micro-Lite/Pico.
Introduction: This FAQ will aim to consolidate and answer common questions and tasks you may wish to do in KonaFT.
#1 How do I connect my gateway to KonaFT?
Ensure that the computer and gateway are on the same computer network. Then follow the steps below:
1. In the top left corner, click on Tools and select Find my Gateway
1. In the top left corner, click on Tools and select Find my Gateway
2. Then select the interface that corroborates to the gateway's network. When ready, click Scan .
3. When your gateway appears, click on the entry and finalize by clicking Select.
4. On newer versions of KonaFT, select SNMPv2 from the drop-down menu indicated.
5. Below the SNMP drop-down menu in step 4, click Start to connect to your gateway.
A pop-up with the title "AGENT MISMATCH DETECTED" may appear. This can be ignored.

#2 Where can I download KonaFT?
Due to file size limitations, we can only offer KonaFT through our FTP server. Instructions on how to download the application in addition to BSP upgrade packages can be found here.
#3 How do I set a static IP on KonaFT?
1. In the top row of tabs, select "Board Details".
2. In the row of tabs below, select "Misc."
3. Under Network Configuration, select the interface you wish to edit and then change DHCP to Static.
4. Set the following parameters accordingly.
- IP Address
- Netmask
- Default Gateway
Please ensure that these settings are entered correctly. Incorrect static network settings will cause you to lose access to the gateway and we may not be able to recover it. Please confirm these settings with your organization's network administrator.
5. Once finalized, click Set to set the static IP.
6. Reboot the gateway.

#4 How do I set an APN on KonaFT?
The steps below will assume that you have already connected to your gateway.
1. In the top row of tabs, select "Wireless Modem".
2. In the row of tabs just below, select "Manage PDP Profiles".
3. Select Read Profiles to see the list of existing APN
4. Insert a new APN with 2 methods:
- Double click the empty space under APN to edit the APN for the first profile. Once finished, select "Update Selected" beside "Set Selected as Active".
- Use the box in the top left to insert a new APN. You only need to enter an APN name. Once finalized, click Insert New Profile.NOTE: We recommend the first method of editing the APN of the first profile. While Kona gateways can function with a blank APN, it can cause unexpected behaviour when a working APN is entered alongside it.
5. Click on the newly created APN and click "Set Selected as Active".

If the APN turns green as pictured below, the gateway has accepted the APN and you are connected to cellular backhaul!
NOTE: If it does not turn green, it is likely that you have inputted the wrong APN. Please double-check that the APN is inputted correctly. If the SIM card is readable on the gateway, we may not be able to assist you with any APN issues.
#5 How do I upgrade my gateway BSP through KonaFT?
#6 KonaFT cannot find my gateway! Help!
Before opening a support ticket claiming that KonaFT cannot find your gateway, please read through this section.
As mentioned above, the basic principle of KonaFT is that it only searches for gateways within the same network of the computer that uses KonaFT. If KonaFT cannot locate your gateway, it is most likely due to the following reasons:
- Your gateway is on a different computer network than the computer using KonaFT.
- Your computer cannot identify other computers within the network.
While Kona gateways will be able to connect to any given computer network, customers may face issues if the gateway is plugged into a company network where IP allocation is handled with complex policies. For instance, plugging in your gateway to the nearest network switch may connect it to a network that is different than the WiFi network. TEKTELIC Support can only recommend both the gateway and computer to be connected to the same networking device.
TEKTELIC Support will NOT be able to assist you with network connectivity as this requires intimate (often classified) knowledge of your computer networks. Please contact your network administrator if you have any issues with ensuring that the gateway is on the same network as the computer using KonaFT.
KonaFT cannot identify other computers within the networkKonaFT scans for computers in a way similar to regular computers. For example, open command prompt and type in the command "arp -a".

In certain cases, some computers will list all Physical Addresses as the same address. If this occurs, please search for alternative ways for identifying other computers on the network like checking your router's webpage.
TEKTELIC Support will NOT be able to assist you with this matter.
Checking Gateway connectivityIf you are unsure if the gateway is connected to the network in the first place, please ensure the following:
- The Ethernet LED lights are blinking, ensuring that an ethernet connection is available.
- The USB port of the gateway is accessible.
If the Ethernet LED lights are blinking, it is likely that it has received an IP address. To check what IP addresses the gateway has, please follow the below steps:
1. Connect to the gateway via USB.
1. Connect to the gateway via USB.
3. Run the following command: ifconfig or ip addr