Kona Gateways BSP Upgrade using TEKTELIC CORE NS/OAM

This article contains the procedure to upgrade the BSP (firmware) of Kona Enterprise/Micro/Macro/Mega gateways using TEKTELIC CORE Network Server or TEKTELIC OA&M Server. The procedures can be found in the link below:
Kindly note that this article does not apply to the Kona Pico Gateway.
Network Configuration (Slide #12):
In the procedure, you will need to copy JSON code for the gateway. Pick the appropriate gateway you own, then copy the code for it from the attachment.


  1. For upgrading to MICRO BSP 3.3.6 and below or ENTERPRISE BSP 1.1.4 and below, copy the code from micro.ent-v1.txt
  2. For upgrading to MICRO BSP 3.3.7 or 4.0.2 or ENTERPRISE BSP 1.1.6 to 2.1.3, copy the code from micro.ent-v2.txt
  3. For upgrading to MICRO BSP 5.X.X and above or ENTERPRISE BSP 3.X.X and above, copy the code from micro.ent-v3.txt

For Kona MACRO / MEGA:

  1. For upgrading to MACRO/MEGA BSP 4.3.6 and below, copy the code from macro.mega-v1.txt
  2. For upgrading to MACRO/MEGA BSP 4.3.8 to 5.X.X, copy the code from macro.mega-v2.txt
  3. For upgrading to MACRO/MEGA BSP 6.X.X and above, copy the code from macro.mega-v3.txt