Integrating TTNv3 With TagoIO

Please see below for instructions for integrating the TTNv3 Network Server to TagoIO:

  1. Go to your TagoIO account, and if this is your first device connected between TTN and TagoIO, you will need to create an Authorization here. Simply click the "Generate" button in the top right. Copy this token to use in the integration created from TTN later.
    Generate Authorization
  2. From your TTNv3 instance, select the Application you wish to integrate with TagoIO under "Applications". If you do not have an Application, select "Create Application" and add your LoRaWAN sensors to this newly created Application. You can find instructions for adding Tektelic Sensors to TTN here.
    TTN Application
  3. In the left-hand side menu for your applications, select "Integrations" > "Webhooks" > "Add Webhook" > "TagoIO"
    1. Webhook ID can be any name that you wish
    2. Authorization is the token created in Step 1

  4. Select "Create TagoIO Webhook"
  5. Lastly, add your devices from TTN in your TagoIO account. You can do so by going to the "Devices" page in TagoIO and selecting the "Add Device" button.
  6. From the Connector Selection page, select your Device, and then select TTI/TTNv3 when prompted to select your network. In the example seen below, I have used a Tektelic TUNDRA sensor.
    TTN Tundra
  7. Name your device and enter the DevEUI for this device.
  8. Select "Create my Device" 
  9. Your Device has now been added to TagoIO. The next time the sensor sends data, you should see this data arrive in TagoIO as well. You can observe live data in TagoIO by selecting your Device you have added, selecting the "Inspector" tab, and clicking the green play button as seen below:

tago live inspector-1