Enabling UTC and GPS Timestamp Metadata

To enable UTC and GPS timestamp information in the gateway uplink metadata, the two following lines should be placed under the "gateway_conf": { section of the /etc/default/config.json file.
"use_utc_timestamp": 1,
"use_gps_timestamp": 1,

Once added, please reboot your gateway. After you have added these two lines, you should be able to see a proper timestamp in UTC time similar to the example metadata below:

  • "time": "2017-12-12T15:28:53.222434Z",  // timestamp (only set when the gateway has a GPS time source)

  • "timestamp": 2074240683, // gateway internal timestamp (32 bit) with microsecond precision

  • "timeGps": 1304807705668 // The GPS timestamp, milliseconds since 06.Jan.1980 (only set when the gateway has a GPS time source)

Once you have added the requested lines to the config,.json, you should be able to see the time information that you are looking for in the “time” and “timeGps'' fields. Please note that this can only be enabled on Enterprise, Macro and Mega gateways.